Motorbike rider crashed into young girl on Scarborough pavement, breaking her leg, and then ran off

Nicky WattsNicky Watts
Nicky Watts
A young girl was dragged 15ft along a pavement after being hit by a motorbike whose uninsured rider then fled the scene, leaving the youngster in agony with a broken leg.

The girl had been helping her mother unload shopping from the car outside their home in Scarborough when the motorcycle ploughed into her, York Crown Court heard.

She was dragged along the footpath by the bike which then fell on top of her, its engine still revving, after its rider Nicky Watts fell off.

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Instead of stopping to help the stricken child, Watts, 30, ran off. The girl, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was taken to hospital with injuries including a “completely-broken” thigh bone which had to be pinned by surgeons.

She also suffered a “deep cut” to her left knee which had to be stitched, as well as other cuts and bruising. She suffered permanent scarring to both legs and had to be kept in hospital where she underwent three operations. When she was finally discharged, she spent two months in a wheelchair.

The court heard that Watts, of Foxglove Way, Scalby, had no lights on when his motorcycle ran the girl over at about 7pm on October 18 last year.

He had a “shocking” record for driving offences, as well as violence, said prosecutor Jonathan Foy.

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Watts, who also has a drug history, handed himself in to Scarborough police in the early hours of the following morning and admitted that he had been the motorcycle rider.

He was arrested and charged with causing serious injury by dangerous driving. He admitted the offence and appeared for sentence on Thursday.

Mr Foy said the young girl was helping her mother unload food shopping from the car to their house when the accident happened.

The girl had “already carried one item to the house and was walking back to the car, across the pavement outside her house, when she was struck by a motorcycle being ridden on the pavement by the defendant, Nicky Watts”.

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“It was dark, the motorcycle was not road legal (and) had no lights,” added Mr Foy. “Watts was thrown from the motorcycle as it dragged (the girl) approximately 15ft along the pavement.

“The motorcycle came to rest on top of (the victim) with the engine still revving and rear wheel still rotating.”

A male witness got the bike off the girl and helped with medical aid as Watts made a run for it. Police and an ambulance were called to the scene and the girl was taken to Scarborough Hospital.

The court heard that although she had now made a complete physical recovery, her personality had changed since the incident.

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The girl’s mother, who was named in court, said that more than half a year on from the incident, she and her daughter were still feeling the “horrific repercussions” of that night.

Her daughter would often wake up crying and she had gone from being a quiet child before the accident, to a “shouty” one.

Defence barrister Andrew Semple said Watts had given himself up to police after his name had been circulated as the motorcycle rider.

Judge Simon Hickey said although Watts had shown remorse for the terrible accident and appeared to have come off drugs, his criminal record did him no favours, “particularly the driving (offences)”.

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“Serious injury was caused to the child,” added Mr Hickey. “You were driving while uninsured, (with) no driving licence and failed to stop after (the) accident.”

He said that Watts had shown a “flagrant disregard” for the rules of the road.

As well as the three-year jail sentence, Watts was given a four-year driving ban which will take effect once he is released from prison halfway through his sentence.