Operations and appointments at Scarborough Hospital to face delays

Operations will face delaysOperations will face delays
Operations will face delays
Operations and appointments will be deferred due to winter pressures at Scarborough Hospital.

York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust , which runs hospitals in Scarborough, Bridlington and York, has confirmed there will be delays.

In England, 55,000 non-urgent operations could be deferred.

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A spokesperson for the trust said: “Winter is always a busy time for the NHS and this winter we have been admitting high numbers of patients with flu and respiratory illnesses.

“This means we have to cancel some elective operations and procedures at times of pressure on the system, to make sure that our hospital beds and resources are available for those who are most acutely ill.

“Cancelling planned operations is not something that is done lightly and we know that it can be distressing for those involved. Cases are reviewed on an individual basis and only those operations that can be safely deferred to a later date will be rearranged.

“Urgent, time-critical, operations are continuing as planned - however we are reviewing all non-urgent appointments, operations and other activities in order to free up capacity for our sickest patients, and to ensure our medical staff are available in the areas of greatest need.”